It's impossible to stay in a funk when you harvest armloads of just about anything! Today all conditions were right for harvesting the garlic. It had dried out just enough, the bottom leaves were browning, indicating all energy was going into the bulbs, and the tops of the leaves had died back. It's supposed to rain tonight so I wanted to get it all out so I wouldn't have to wait for another dry spell. It's beautiful! See for yourself! It took two trips just to get it all back to my office which now smells like an Italian deli. While I was at it, I also harvested the rest of the red potatoes and the first batch of radishes. Can you hear my contented sigh from where you are?
The women here were astonished and so excited that the garlic was such a success. They had never seen garlic grown before. Or potatoes for that matter.
Oh! Another activity we do here with the ladies is knitting and crocheting. Right now we're working on market bags like the one shown here that I made as an example for them. If the garden keeps going like this they won't need market bags!
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