Monday, May 24, 2010

Harvest I - Zucchini

This morning I had to give in and pick the zucchini that has been begging to be harvested.  I had such an armload I had to put them in our garden cart and go get a bag to take them down to the kitchen!  I also found a few yellow crookneck squash to pick and tomorrow the snow peas get their turn.  They will star in a fresh salad the ladies here are planning for tomorrow along with some tender young zucchini that escape the pot tonight. 

In addition to fresh vegetables, our garden is growing new partnerships.  Today Brian and Kate Gandy of Garden City Organics, a terrific little shop in downtown Augusta, visited and gave us the benefit of their education and knowledge. We hope to see much more of them as time allows. 

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite way to eat zucchini these days (in other news, I eat zucchini these days!):

    I usually do 1/2 and 1/2 carrots and zucchini, and it's also good with butter and hazelnuts instead of olive oil and almonds.
